Your questions, answered

    • Be part of a community dedicated to facilitating positive change, together our voice is stronger.

    • Engage with a network of local farmers, community members, and experts who can provide practical support, advice, and shared resources.

    • Help collect and share the data we need about our communities, soil, water and environment.

    • Benefit from government programs and financial assistance specifically allocated for catchment groups in the event of an environmental disaster response and recovery.

    • The opportunity to participate in monthly workshops and field days, focusing on various environmental initiatives.

  • We are an incorporated society and are required by law to have members. The membership fee of $20 per year helps fund the activities and initiatives of the WWCC.

    • Monthly workshops and field days.

    • Information and resources on planting natives, fencing subsidies, freshwater farm plans, pest control, and more.

    • Opportunities to contribute to strategies for water quality improvement, biodiversity enhancement, community wellbeing, and climate change resilience.

    • Access to any data/information collected throughout our catchment area.

    • Networking with other community members and stakeholders.

  • You can join by completing the application form here or contacting Robyn Bregmen by calling 027 899 2280 or emailing Membership is open to everyone, and the membership fee is $20 per year.

  • We cover the area between Port Waikato and Whaingaroa Harbour, located on the Western Coast of the North Island. This area encompasses 60,055 hectares and includes everyone in the community within these boundaries.

  • Yes, you can still join even if you live just outside the catchment area. The WWCC welcomes all individuals interested in supporting and contributing to their initiatives, regardless of their exact location.

  • Yes, companies and organisations are welcome to join and support our initiatives. By partnering with the catchment group, your company or organisation can contribute to achieving the community's goals for a healthier environment and a resilient community. Please contact Robyn Bregmen for more information on how to get involved. Phone 027 899 2280 or email